It's huge news! Microsoft Edge in Windows Insider Preview release has ORTC APIs baked into it. This is absolutely huge news. We've been waiting for Microsoft to really join the WebRTC scene and this is that huge push into it.
It's huge news! Microsoft Edge in Windows Insider Preview release has ORTC APIs baked into it. This is absolutely huge news. We've been waiting for Microsoft to really join the WebRTC scene and this is that huge push into it.
They say that their main focus right now is audio and video communications and it looks like there's enough support to really make something usable. So much so that Microsoft have already teamed up with Twilio at this demo page. It looks like Twilio have made an ORTC adapter to neutralise the differences between ORTC and WebRTC as it stands today
But at the time of writing this post, it doesn't appear to be up on github properly yet.
Go check out the in-depth analysis over at webrtchacks!