GopherCon UK 2024
We went to GopherCon UK In the past few years, Go has become a prominent tool for us at Nimble Ape. Its power, flexibility and scalability mean it’s become the language we first turn to when setting up to develop server or desktop software, both for our clients and for...
August 23, 2024
ICEPerf Update
Exciting Updates to Enhanced Graphics, Real-Time Results, and Interactive Trend Analysis At, a product of Nimble Ape, we are continually striving to provide our users with the most comprehensive and user-friendly experience in network performance testing. We are thrilled to announce a series of recent updates that significantly...
July 19, 2024
How To Improve Business Efficiency in a Small Business
As the COO of the company, one of my main jobs is to make sure that our operations are running as efficiently and effectively as possible. It’s a big, ongoing, likely never-ending task that needs regular review. Having taken on this role around this time last year, one of my...
June 12, 2024
We’re building a TURN Networks comparison tool How do you choose your TURN network provider? Here at Nimble Ape, we often find ourselves working on TURN networks for our client projects. Also our sister company Everycast Labs’ product, Broadcast Bridge, utilises TURN networks: See Dan’s recent blog post about it...
April 30, 2024
What is it like working at Nimble Ape?
We normally blog a lot about technology, because that’s what we do. But what we don’t talk about as often is what we do behind the scenes; the things that are not as exciting as all the amazing tech that we produce, but that we also couldn’t run our business...
February 21, 2024
Enabling SRT Input in a Media Server with WHIP
2023 was a busy year for the development of Broadcast Bridge, run by our sister company Everycast Labs. We completely rewrote the desktop app and released a host of new features. Everycast Labs’ aim is to make Broadcast Bridge as flexible as possible for video professionals, and this includes supporting...
January 11, 2024
Transitioning Our Websites to a Visual Headless CMS: Broadcast Bridge Landing Page
This has been an exciting year for Nimble Ape, as our team grew to include operational and marketing staff for the first time! This has meant rethinking how we do certain things to make sure each team member can perform at their best, and this includes how we make our...
December 12, 2023
Twilio announces EOL for Programmable Video tool
The end of Twilio Programmable Video You may have seen the news that Twilio is restructuring, which includes killing off several of its products, as announced via a press release on 4 Dec. Along with the sad news that Twilio is letting go of 5% of its workforce, Twilio is...
December 7, 2023
TADSummit, KazooCon & VON: Evolution Roundup
It’s been a busy autumn for us in the Nimble Ape team with Dan speaking at five events in as many weeks with four brand new talks. RTC.ON (read our overview of RTC.ON here), TADSummit, Kazoocon, VON: Builder and VON: Evolution. TADSummit At the end of October, Dan spoke at...
November 30, 2023
RTC.ON roundup - a new RTC event in the calendar
It’s now been more than a week since we’ve come home from the first edition of RTC.On in Krakow, Poland, and what an event it was. Software Mansion really pulled off a great conference - they’re no strangers to running events and it showed. The three-day event included a lecture...
October 24, 2023
Events we are at: October 2023
It’s October, which means it’s conference season! Our founder Dan Jenkins is speaking at lots of events this month. Will we be seeing you there? 🚀 RTC.ON talking about Spiderman (and WebRTC) 📅 12 - 14 Oct 📍 Krakow, Poland Organised by Software Mansion and Membrane Dan will be sharing...
October 11, 2023
The React Selfie App
Hey there, I’m Amir! Having recently joined the innovative team at Nimble Ape as a Software Engineer, I’m truly delighted to be part of this dynamic company. I’m eager to introduce you to a project that originated during my interview journey – the React Selfie App. This endeavor not only...
August 15, 2023
We're Expanding
Hello everyone, We thought it was high time for an update from Nimble Ape HQ, so here it goes: Alongside working with our awesome clients, we have been working on a few things behind the scenes, including four very successful years of organising and running CommCon, our conference for WebRTC...
March 13, 2023
Callstats I/O are CommCon's second Platinum sponsor
We’re super excited to announce that Callstats I/O are our second Platinum Sponsor for CommCon. Callstats are both clients and friends of Nimble Ape. You may have seen that we’ve made a couple of shim layers for popular client SDKs for them in the past (Kurento, Twilio Video, SIPjs and...
January 25, 2018
Simwood is CommCon's first Platinum Sponsor
If you don’t know yet, we’re organising a conference next year and it’s called CommCon and we’re pretty excited about it all. Its a conference for the Open Source Real Time Communication community - run by the community for the community. We’re ecstatic to announce that Simwood are our first...
October 9, 2017
WebRTC, Asterisk and Chrome 57
An upcoming change in Chrome 57 (currently Chrome Dev) will see your WebRTC application fail if it relies on Asterisk to be a webRTC gateway. TL;DR Your WebRTC app will break soon if you use Asterisk - add a new flag to the RTCPeerConnection instantiation to keep your app working....
January 19, 2017
Building a Web Bluetooth Progressive Web App
A few months ago I started looking around the internet for weird and wonderful Bluetooth Low Energy devices that I could incorporate into my Getting Physical with Web Bluetooth in the Browser talk; suffice to say, there are quite a few. Long story short, Barry Byford pointed me towards a...
December 9, 2016
These aren’t the droids you’re looking for
As a web developer, wouldn’t you love to take control of your devices using Web Technologies? Imagine having a heartbeat monitor that you could access from your browser. Being able to connect to it, get battery levels and heartbeat statistics. We all know how easy it is to deploy websites...
December 17, 2015
Where to go when searching for open Call for Papers?
December, the time for love and harmony? The celebration of the birth of Christ? Or just general Merrymas, eating lots of food and drinking more than you should? For some, that may all be true. For others it’s the time of year we start looking at the following years technology...
December 14, 2015
All hail Boxen, for it is glorious
As a developer, the device I use for development is part of the development itself. I have things setup the way that I want them, and feel completely uncomfortable when forced to use someone else’s device to do anything. Hot Corners, fonts, keyboard shortcuts. These all make my day to...
December 11, 2015
We're Hiring
Nimble Ape are looking for our first official employee(s). We’ve been building communications applications for two years now, but it’s only been me working here for that time; it’s time to expand. So, what is a Real-Time Communications developer? A developer who understands the basics of real-time communication. We’re looking...
November 5, 2015
The Hallway Track
I’ve been going to conferences for a few years now; they are an integral part of both mine and my business’ development. It’s amazing to see all the different types of conferences there are throughout a year across so many different industries. Each industry does conferences or “summits” differently, which...
October 4, 2015
Stop installing global Node.js modules, please.
We’ve been seeing a lot of articles and guides recently that ask you to install a node module using npm, globally, using npm install -g <module-name>. Now, we don’t like to preach but there’s a better way and we want you all to know about it. But first, let’s explain...
October 4, 2015
ORTC API now in Microsft Edge
It’s huge news! Microsoft Edge in Windows Insider Preview release has ORTC APIs baked into it. This is absolutely huge news. We’ve been waiting for Microsoft to really join the WebRTC scene and this is that huge push into it. ORTC API is now available in Microsoft Edge!— Microsoft...
September 18, 2015
Key improvements and new features from Google's latest update on WebRTC
You may have read a post from earlier on this week about Chrome dropping support for getUserMedia on sites delivered via the HTTP transport. But there was a ton of other stuff in that talk from Google at Kranky Geek that we didn’t even mention. So here’s a roundup of...
September 15, 2015
getUserMedia in Chrome will require https soon
Last week held the Kranky Geek mini conference in San Francisco. While Nimble Ape couldn’t be there due to already being in Ireland for Nodeconfeu, we’ve been catching up with the talks which are already on youtube. Something that wasn’t widely known before last week that was announced during Google’s...
September 14, 2015
Dropping support for Node.js 0.8
With the recent release of Node.js 4.0 (yay!), it’s now time to look at dropping support for Node.js 0.8. Node.js 0.8 is now 3 years old and has been superceded by 0.10, 0.12 and now 4.0 when it comes to stable builds of Node.js. At Nimble Ape we still supported...
September 12, 2015
What is the Dividend Allowance and how will it affect Contractors?
This week’s post is a guest post from John at JF Financial. JF Financial take care of our accounts here at Nimble Ape. They go above and beyond in helping us and no doubt their other clients. Getting the most out of your business is always important; whether that be...
September 11, 2015
Conference Season
Firstly, it’s been too long since our last post and I can only apologise. Things have gotten a little busier around here; but that’s no excuse and we’ll try to do better in future. But back on topic… Conference season is coming up fast. In fact, it’s almost upon us,...
August 6, 2015
Web Development in UK Schools
Last Tuesday I was invited to speak to students at my old Grammar School; they were holding a careers evening for their year 10 students. It’s in year 10 that these kids are expected to have decided what they want to do for the rest of their lives, and plan...
June 30, 2015
New beginnings and farewells
Firstly, I apologise that there wasn’t a new article last week. I spent a couple of days in a beautiful town in Ireland called Tramore, in and around attending the first ever WebRTC meetup in Dublin as well as speaking at the Node.js Dublin meetup the following day. I loved...
June 4, 2015
WebRTC and the Google Developer Expert program
Last Friday something amazing happened to me; I became a Google Developer Expert specialising in WebRTC. I’m hugely pleased to say that I’m now a Chrome HTML5 Google Developers Expert (not on the list online yet though)— Dan Jenkins (@dan_jenkins) May 18, 2015 Let me explain what the Google...
May 22, 2015
Achieving Zero Downtime deployments with Node.js and websockets
The topic of how to accomplish zero-downtime deployments with websockets seems to come up fairly frequently, especially recently. As products evolve or get created we see the move from a fairly historical use of HTTP requests to utilising websockets for numerous things. A couple of those use cases are signalling...
May 19, 2015
Building your new WebRTC app, PaaS or not?
The Nimble Ape Team have been working heavily with the WebRTC technology for the past year and a half with the Respoke team in the US. I end up talking to a lot of people at events and conferences about what they’re doing with WebRTC; it’s a hugely exciting time...
May 8, 2015
A month with my stand-up desk
When the idea of stand-up desks became more mainstream a couple of years ago; I laughed at them. I thought they were a gimmick; why on earth would you want to stand-up all day? Surely it wouldn’t do your legs and feet any benefit in the long term? Well, I...
May 4, 2015
Why Twilio releasing more WebRTC features is good for everyone
Last week Twilio announced new video calling features powered by WebRTC. As someone who’s been working with WebRTC for around 3 years, this came as no surprise - they were already utilising WebRTC for audio calling and were probably doing the most (I’m sorry I’m going to use a telco...
April 22, 2015
WebRTC conferences; where do they fit?
Back in June of 2014, my friend Billy Chia attended “WebRTC Expo” in Atlanta; afterwards he wrote an article titled Developers, not Dial Tone, basically asking where all the developers were at the event. It was a really interesting article about the lack of developers and the huge number of...
April 16, 2015
Dealing with CORS via nginx
If you haven’t heard of CORS, it stands for Cross Origin Resource Sharing; it enables you to request data from another domain using JavaScript in the browser. Before CORS you would do something using JSONP or iframes or something else horrible. Now that almost all APIs require CORS to be...
April 9, 2015
Working Remotely and in a Different Timezone
Over the past year I’ve not only been working from home but I’ve also been working with the Respoke team in Huntsville, AL, USA. Anyone that works remotely will tell you that it brings it’s own challenges in comparison to working in one office with your team members and peers...
April 2, 2015
Replying with json errors from your nginx fronted JSON API
One of my biggest bug bears with modern day APIs is when they fall over, you usually get back an HTML error page back from the proxy in between you and the API. In recent years, API driven apps have become more and more common; where you write your app...
March 26, 2015
Starting a business from scratch
Starting your business is always a risk, a gamble; the size of that risk depends entirely on the circumstances, but ask anyone that’s gone and done it and no-one will tell you it was risk free. Whether you’re a one man (or girl) band, starting with a partner or more,...
March 19, 2015